Realistic City Doll House

I built a doll house for a work event concerning climate change. It’s based on the typical small house as abundant in the city of Ghent. I used it during the event to promote green roofs. It actually proved invaluable to explain several concepts, like how it feels to have a green roof in your view instead of black EPDM.

I used leftover materials, wood glue, hot glue and brats (nails). No Playmobil® kitties were harmed.

Book Safe (Secret Santa)

I made a book safe for my Secret Santa via Make in Belgium (Facebook group, also known from Koterij with Henk Rijckaert). It’s based on arduino. I did everything myself: programming, creating and printing case. I truly didn’t enjoy cutting in the book. It was a lot more work than anticipated.

Parts list:

  • chinese arduino
  • 2 buttons
  • 1* 4-digit 7-segment display
  • 1 relay board (to shut off after 30 seconds or so)
  • one matrix keyboard
  • 1 servo motor
  • 2 rubber bands
  • 1 book (sacrilege!)

Playing Cards

In 2021 I developed a card game to play with colleagues. After almost 2 years into the pandemic, we barely knew each other. There were also a lot of new faces in the crowd. This game was a nice way to mingle during the first staff party in ages.

It’s a combination of the classic Quartets and Technical Quartets* with some new “Rules of Engagement” and a third engagement option called “climate bombs”. Fun guaranteed!

* The internet has yet to learn what a Technical Quartets is. On the cards there are properties about the subject. Example: “My -person- has the most kids, how much has yours?” Player with the most kids wins both cards.

Luckily I have a superb colleague who’s a designer and she spent a LOT of evenings making these cards. I had another team who pressured colleagues for intimate information that we could put on their cards. I illustrated the “bomb” cards myself.

One of the things they had to do, was to choose a favourite food. I put it on the card in guesstimated (kilo)calories. By the time we played the game, everybody had forgotten what they had chosen. That wasn’t a good design choice, but… the game was a smashing hit! 🙂

Christmas Cards

Somewhere in November 2014 I decided to make a whole lot of Christmas cards for friends/family. They were actually based on the person(s) they were meant for.

It was also the first time I used “PEEN” as my signature. I will elaborate on the many, many meanings of Peen in another post.

All cards were drawn on 12*12cm cheap blank cards. After a while I came to understand what worked, and what not. One day I will redo the best of them.